we are manufacturer of potato starch.

Potato starch is starch extracted from potatoes.


- in food industry to:

* bake cakes

* thicken soups and sauces

* make concentrates

* prepare jellies and puddings

* produce pasta

* produce yeasts

- in meat industry

- in textile industry to finishing fabrics and starch fabrics;

- in pharmaceutical industry to produce antibiotics,

- in chemical industry to produce glues;

- in paper industry

- in the production of dextrines, starch hydrolisers, starch syrups, glucose, ethyl alcohol, starch modifiers. starching preparations.

 - for technical purposes in other industry sectors



Potato starch

Native potato starch

Potato Starch derivative

Papermaking potato starch

Food potato starch

Adhesive potato starch

Textile processing potato starch

Drilling potato starch