Collection of Dr. Pallavi Kwatra Books, Tabeer Author Services, Lend An Ear

Products - Musings Of The Awakening SouL, 9 Months From Involution To Evolution: What's App Satsang, NIYAAZ, Be Love, Sajda Books By Dr. Pallavi kwatra.

Services - Book Publishing Services, Book Designing Service, Book Cover Design, Book Layout.

Dr. Pallavi Kwatra’s wide & expanded persona finds various outlets of expression to unleash the humane creativity and potential as a free-flowing and effulgent spring. Through poetry, vocals, collectives of art and her own spillings of conscious and aware bouts, she is a maze one would be happy to explore or even get lost in.

Her prattlings combine literary gymnastics with imagery and music in the backdrop of intuitive wisdom and a deep devotion to the process of life. Her literary services called TABEER (A dream come true) is a forum to help fellow authors in manifesting their dreams of creating and showcasing their books. Uncover the layers as they appear before you to bare a new truth at every revelation.