“ PATHWAY INDIA” is pioneered in Organic Turmeric in Kandhamal district of Odisha where thousands of family farmers cultivates tens of thousands  of acres of organic turmeric and other organic food products. “KANDHAMAL HALDI” a very well known brand in India as well as international market.  PATHWAY INDIA actively promotes organic cultivation in which no chemical fertilizer and pesticides are being used. Our main mission is to reach every individual of the world with organic food free from chemicals or toxic materials. Come and join us for a better and healthy life, mind and divine spirit.  
FSSAI  LICENCE No. :  12017016000044 
 IEC Number :  2315001501 
Registered with FIEO: RCMC No. : BBSR / 49 / 2015-16 
Registered with APEDA: RCMC No.180336 
Registered with Spices Board: Regd. No. P1185 
( Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)