MRS Industries

Rohtak, India
  • Plot No. 14, Behind L. P. S. - 2, Hissar Road, Rohtak - 124001, , India.
    Call : 91 1262 314103 M. : 91 9896783777

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Friction Screw Presses

Friction Screw Presses

With the assistance of our skilled engineers, we are able to offer a broad gamut of high energy down stroking Friction Screw Presses . The press body%26rsquo,s construction has steel welded one pie

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* To achieve our mission we provide all the necessary functionalities to buyers and sellers that help them in developing the voice of their business and to expand worldwide.

MRS Industries's Contact Details :

MRS Industries

 Plot No. 14, Behind L. P. S. - 2, Hissar Road, Rohtak - 124001, , India.
Call : 91 1262 314103 M. : 91 9896783777

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