Home Care Life Style

Delhi, India
  • Plot No.400, Lal Dora Extension, Firni Road, Pooth Khurd, Near Shivam Farm House & Rithala Metro Station, Delhi - 110039, , India.
    Call : 91 11 27762542 M. : 91 9811028600

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Laundry Basket

Laundry Basket

Our Laundry Basket is ideal for dirty laundry collection, clean laundry waiting to be folded and more. It is lightweight, simple to clean, inside & out.

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* To achieve our mission we provide all the necessary functionalities to buyers and sellers that help them in developing the voice of their business and to expand worldwide.

Home Care Life Style's Contact Details :

Home Care Life Style

 Plot No.400, Lal Dora Extension, Firni Road, Pooth Khurd, Near Shivam Farm House & Rithala Metro Station, Delhi - 110039, , India.
Call : 91 11 27762542 M. : 91 9811028600


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